I am an Indianapolis born and raised wedding photographer! Woohoo!

My photography journey started wayyyy back in 7th grade, where I was handed a lime green point and shoot camera and told the sun was my friend and to use it wisely. With this little contraption I discovered wonders. I started to see the world in a different view and discovered so much more beauty that my own eyes couldn't imagine. 

Photography was more than just a casual hobby, it became my passion and a way to connect with people on a fun, yet deeper level. So as long as you don't me mind showing up to our sessions with a Dr. P, then I think we will besties.

Apart from taking your photos you can find me, with my fiancé, hot girl walking around town (most likely with my mom), snuggling close with my doggos, bingeing Survivor (those family episodes wreck me man) and of course hanging out with my all besties.

Hey hey, its just me 

Who's Behind The Lens?

Let's Be Friends

My very best friend in the whole wide world. This man is patient, kind, gentle, and funny all at the same time. He sets me straight when I'm being too feisty, or calms me down when I am overwhelmed. We met in high school at church camp and it was love at first sight. Totally kidding! He thought I was a total weirdo. But we did become friends and we stayed connected throughout the years and reconnected in late 2019. Since then we have binged so many movies series, heavily competed with one another in Mario Kart and have enjoyed every part of the many ups and downs. He also tags along to some of my shoots in case I don't want to go alone, so maybe you'll meet him. He's the best :)

This is danny, MY HUSBAND

Anything with fresh air, take me there. Believe it or not I was never one for the outdoors or traveling when I was younger. Any vacation as a child I went on, my family drove everywhere, so naturally I learned that being in a car for 15 hours wasn't my favorite thing. My senior year in high school was my first time ever on a plane. Crazy right?! Since then I have been to multiple places all over the country and am so excited to travel more in the future (with my hubby)! hehehe :P

The outdoors

Everything in life is a million times more fun with your besties by your side. I love ALL my girlies so much and am so grateful for the friendships I am so blessed to have. Cheers to them for always being by my side through it all.


This is Rosie, my little bestie of a child! Danny and I brought her home in March after we spontaneously were looking for pup online. She is filled with so much spunk and truly has no personal boundaries. Rosie is the best! 

MY little bestie